How to Create an Invoice: Invoices for Small Business

As a small business owner, there is nothing worse than doing the work and not getting paid. In order to become a successful business it is important to create an invoice that is taken seriously. Let’s go through some important information regarding invoices for businesses.

How to Create an Invoice: Invoices for Small Business
How to Create an Invoice: Invoices for Small Business

Make Invoicing Known at the Beginning of the Relationship

Begin as you mean to go on, so the saying goes. Do not surprise your customers with an invoice. When you start with a new client, let them know that they will be invoiced. Let them know when they will be invoiced, and any payment requirements you may have. An unexpected invoice will have your customers slow in paying and it just might get them slightly annoyed with you as well.

What Should an Invoice Include?

The invoice consists of many different parts. The most basic information includes the buyer’s name, the seller’s name, what was purchased and sometimes the tax that has to be collected. Details, such as the business’s name and contact information will remain the same from invoice to invoice. Creating a template for your invoices will help from repeatedly putting in this information for every invoice.

Keep in mind that the information you are putting into your invoice is data. Some, if not all, of this data will be important in the future. If for nothing else, this data will be needed when it comes tax time. Be sure you already have a basic understanding of data management practices before opening your business.

All About Invoice Numbers

Each invoice should have its own unique number. This number will help you and your customer when it comes to tracking. Invoice numbers can be a mixture of numbers and letters. There are a few different ways to create an invoice number:

  • Sequentially – Simply start at 0001 or INV0001 and move up the number in order; 0002 or INV0002.
  • Customer Identifier – First three letters of the client’s name then a number sequence; APP0001, APP0002, etc.
  • Dated – This would put the year and month invoiced in front of the number sequence; 2021-03-0001.
  • Combination – Combining the customer identifier with the dated like APP-2021-03-001

By creating a consistent invoice numbering system, you’ll easily be able to search for old invoices as well as stay organized.

Invoices For Small Businesses – How Much To Include?

As mentioned before, there are a few constants when it comes to invoicing. Your business name and contact information, the invoice number, who the customer is should be on every invoice. In addition to that, a description of the product or service sold to this customer should be added to the invoice so they know what they are paying for. If you had given the customer a quote prior to doing the work for them, include as much of the language from the quote into the invoice. This builds a trust between you and the customer.

Invoices should stay at a single page. They should provide the customer with enough information that they have no question about what they are paying for, yet the invoice should remain very clear and concise.

If a more detailed explanation needs to be given to the customer on the work done, consider adding a summary to the invoice which provides additional details.

Invoice Templates – Creating Invoices For Small Business Made Easy

When you start out invoicing customers it is a good idea to create a template to work off of. This makes invoicing easy and simple, saving your time and money. The template can be reused over and over again when it is time to invoice your clients. You can create templates on your computer using:

  • Microsoft Word or Google Doc
  • Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets – This is the easiest way to use a template as you can create formulas in the cells that can be used to make invoicing even easier.
  • Invoicing or accounting software templates

To help protect yourself against attempted fraud, before sending an invoice made in a document or spreadsheet software, convert it to PDF before printing or sending.

How to Create an Invoice: Invoices for Small Business
How to Create an Invoice: Invoices for Small Business

Creating Invoices For Small Business – The Unbreakable Rule

Of course, there are many rules to invoicing. However the unbreakable rule every business owner needs to know is that it is an important necessity. Determine the day and time that you will regularly create your invoices and stick to it. You can’t be in business if you aren’t collecting money. Depending on your business, you may need to invoice at the end of the day, week, and even the end of the month. Do what works for you, but do not skip invoicing day.

Can Invoicing Software Help?

No matter what type of business you are running, data comes in many different forms. Invoicing software is a smart choice, especially when it comes to managing your data. The invoices themselves are important to get paid, but the data they collect needs to be held onto and backed up for future use -as well as taxes! Invoicing software can help with that as well as the following:

  • Many templates for you to choose
  • Easily brand them for your business
  • Quick quote creation
  • Convert a quote to an invoice
  • Invoices can be sent to a mobile device
  • Allows customers to pay immediately

Invoice Preparation: Step-By-Step

  1. Open invoice template
  2. Enter the day’s date
  3. Enter an invoice number
  4. Add customer information
  5. Description of product or service sold
  6. Total cost (double check to ensure math is correct)
  7. Ensure payment terms are correct
  8. If required, get the invoice approved
  9. Convert to PDF
  10. Send and file.

Invoices And Small Business Success

As a business owner, you need to ensure that your business can grow and be successful in the future. You can’t do that without getting paid! Learning how to create an invoice is something that should be done in the beginning phase of your business. Get your system down before opening so that your customers know what to expect from the beginning. Time consuming, it may be, but it is something that has to get done on a regular basis.

Do You Need WIFI and Internet?

Most people mistakenly refer to the term the internet and WIFI as if they meant the same thing. But is WIFI the same as internet? These are two very unique terms that mean different things. It’s very important to know the difference between WIFI and internet. We’ll break down the difference between WIFI vs internet simply.

Do You Need WiFi and Internet?
Do You Need WIFI and Internet?

If you’re wondering do you need WIFI and Internet, you first need to know the meaning of both them. The internet is a cloud-based system where tons of information is stored. WIFI is the connection to help transfer the data from the internet to a mobile phone, tablet, or laptop.

We can put this in even simpler terms. The city of L.A. and San Francisco can be thought of as the internet because it is filled with so many fun and interesting things to do, such as the internet. However, there is a highway and bridge, such as the Pacific Coast Highway. The purpose of the highway is to get you from San Francisco to LA. Or in other words, the WIFI connection helps you move from point A to point B. The speed at which you get there depends on traffic, which can be thought of as the WIFI connection.

So do you have WIFI? If you have access to the internet, you likely do. WIFI is just a short word for the popular reference of wireless networks. Prior to the invention of WIFI, there were LAN’s meaning you’d have to connect cables to your device to connect to the internet. It was rather messy and inconvenient. Nowadays, tech companies exist which rely on WIFI. Some of those tech companies are moving to Arizona.

So, what is the purpose of WIFI? In essence, WIFI gives you the ability to connect your device to the internet without cables. You have all the access to the internet without needing a cable. The way it works is by having a router that can establish these connections. The router can easily communicate with your devices. Your devices now have the capability to stream files, print, and share data on them. So do you need WIFI and Internet? Yes, you need both because the wireless network enables you to connect to the internet.

The router needs to be connected to a device with the capability of accessing the internet, which is a modem. The provider for internet typically will give you a broadband modem. Your modem needs to be plugged into the router, enabling your devices to be connected to the interweb.

The Definition of the Internet

So now that you know the answer to the question, do you need WIFI and Internet, it’s time to go over the meaning of the internet. This is a useful subject if you ever need to answer Facebook interview questions or deal with quality assurance in software testing. Although it may seem complex, the internet is a network that brings and links computer devices from all over the world using a wide network called WAN. These computers are all linked via routers. Once your device is connected to a wireless network, then you have access to the big network called the Internet.

You only have control over your WIFI connection, but you don’t have control over the internet connection. Even if you have the highest speed Internet, you still may have a start and stop streaming or super slow downloading times. There are two reasons for this. One is that you may overload your various devices, and it doesn’t have the capacity for it. Secondly, the router may not be capable of the high-speed internet.

Do You Need WiFi and Internet?
Do You Need WIFI and Internet?

Do You Have to Have Internet to Have WIFI?

By now you know the difference between WIFI and the internet. But what else should you know?

  1. WIFI doesn’t mean that you can access the internet. You need an internet provider and modem to help build the connection.
  2. Even if you have an excellent WIFI connection doesn’t mean that you have fast internet. WIFI only helps bring you access to the internet. You have to pay for fast internet service. However, you also need to improve the capacity and bandwidth. Also, consider the number of WIFI extenders and networks. The number of downloads and streams can also cause jerkier or slow internet.
  3. Those who experience a time where the internet isn’t working, always check your WIFI connection and router before calling your internet provider. Try to always reboot your modem and router since that fixes most problems.

Tech is Making its Way to Arizona: Big Time

CBRE, the global investment and research firm, designated Phoenix and Tempe as two of the top cities for tech company real estate, in 2019. The tech market in Phoenix provides a lot of demand for property, from both companies and employees.

big companies moving to Phoenix

AZ Tech is able to organize exclusive networking events with key people in Arizona’s budding technology industry talent pool. The cost savings in property prices when compared to California tech hubs is part of why we’re likely to see a continued growth in tech companies and talent.

Quite a few technology companies are arising out of Arizona’s affordable standard of living. Phoenix Business Journal reports that seven Arizona cities are among the fastest growing in the tech market, with Tuscon heading the list. The Cyberstates report issued by CompTIA indicates that Arizona is increasing in jobs by more than 5,000 each year. They also note a nearly 174% growth in the demand for novel and developing technology sectors, such as technology-driven advertising.

Tech-related jobs enjoy an average of 94% greater pay in Arizona when compared with the United States as a whole. There are amazing coffee shops in many of Arizona’s biggest cities that also attest to the standard of living and job growth, which is reflected by their increasing online presence. In the end, a better standard of living and greater salaries at innovative tech companies has a major influence on the national tech talent pool.

where tech companies are moving

Using the state’s overall economic leverage, each city is able to grow on an annual basis. With developments in solar energy, missile defense and the manufacturing of semiconductors, Tuscon is growing by leaps and bounds. The market-leading biotech space continues to find a home in Flagstaff. The startup market in the making in Phoenix, along with autonomous vehicle R&D, are likewise nothing to scoff at.

In terms of total employment in tech, Phoenix takes the lead as the 15th highest in the U.S. It’s seen a 2.8% or higher increase specifically in IT, software and communication, as in digital marketing services, for example. That’s part of the reason why it’s also ranked number 19 in total economic impact by the technology industry.

Arizona Tech Council President and CEO Steve Zylstra says that the key strategic advantage over densely populated-cities like Silicon Valley is having room to grow. He also mentions the mega-metropolitan Sun Corridor, the urban-developed area of southern Arizona. The networking opportunities among a growing talent pool are attractive even to moguls like Bill Gates and Jerry Colangelo.

Cyberstates also predicts a growth rate for tech employment in Arizona of 11% by 2026, due to decreased costs in real estate, standard of living and other factors. However, there are still extremely attractive positions at companies like Facebook and Google. These companies are very experienced in creating an optimal corporate culture and acquiring tech talent.

It’ll be up to Arizona’s ability to provide educational opportunities for a workforce that’s adapting toward a more tech-oriented job market. For example, companies in online retail are going to be replacing traditional roles with things like data analysis and integrating platforms with the internet of things.

Top 10 Facebook Interview Questions They Ask You

The number one position on Glassdoor’s list of Best Places to Work went to Facebook in 2018. They’ve been prominent on this list for a decade now, no doubt due to their high salaries, exclusive perks and career potential. However, John Walke, the leader of the engineering team responsible for JSX, is an example like Facebook that shows that these might not be the most important job qualities.

Facebook onsite interview questions

Facebook has some of the most in-demand positions on the planet. As you can imagine, they have unique systems in place to bring efficiency to their hiring process, and also to select the best candidates. With tech talent moving to other cities on the West Coast, they’re more aware than ever that they need to be on the ball. This list of the top 10 questions that are asked in Facebook interviews is certainly valuable for large tech companies, as well as the top startups you like.

Tell Me About Your Best Collaboration Experience

Effective collaboration is a huge asset for virtually any company, whether it be in creating brand awareness or engineering quality products. This simple question allows you to determine a candidate’s ability and willingness to collaborate, as well as their unique style. This is a major consideration when comparing them with the culture of your company now, and what they can add to collaborative experiences in the future.

How Do You Stay Motivated?

A consistent level of motivation is as closely related to job performance and attitude as possible. Those things that both inspire and cause pain for an employee, like office politics or job security, might be the wrong reasons to do good work. This question is particularly insightful in finding those key qualities that your company has in common with a prospective employee.

How Do You Build Relationships?

According to a survey white paper by the National Business Research Institute, healthy work relationships are more important to job satisfaction than salaries and positions alone. It’s also an important factor in doing effective work, along with skills and education.

What Would Your Response Be to an Interviewer Not Showing Up? 

At first glance, this might seem like a simple test of initiative. However, it’s a way to find out in the candidate’s own words how they would respond to a negative situation and reach a solution or desired outcome.

What is One Project You’re Proud Of?

This question opens the opportunity for an interviewee to give a testimonial on themselves, their work and their team. If you listen carefully, it’ll tell you a lot about how they give credit to others, promote their company and position, and what they value most in their work ethic.

Facebook interview questions data scientist

Why Do You Want to Work for Facebook?

Aside from what they can offer to your company, this question reveals how they see themselves growing and evolving in the process. It’s also a great way to find out how well they know your company and its values. Ask about Facebook ad recall lift, for example, to determine their familiarity with new features.

What is the Highest Accolades You’ve Received at Your Current Position? 

Leaders are often most aware of their true strengths when others recognize those qualities in them. This method of finding out how self-aware a candidate is valuable in determining the qualities that people in your organization will appreciate most.

What Would Be the Most Challenging Aspect of Entering this Position? 

Like the previous question, you’re more likely to get an honest version of their self-awareness in terms of weaknesses with this type of phrasing. It also allows them to identify their perceived constraints in both roles, with more forward-thinking answers.

Tell Me About a Time that You Had a Disagreement with Your Manager.

This question is more about finding out how they interact and follow up with management, than it is about who was right or wrong in a given situation. Because each employee has their own personality and style, this can be extremely valuable for matching a candidate with the right team, whether it be in retail marketing services or data analysis.

What are Facebook’s Challenges in the Coming Years?

The crucial aspects of this question are a candidate’s ability to research and analyze important trends in the tech industry, as well as imagining and communicating their vision for the future. How they see major problems, and what opportunities they might present, will tell you about their knowledge of the overall industry as well.

Product Photography Ideas – Maximize Your Profits

Modern consumers are highly visual, thanks to social media. To sell any product online, you need to impress your target consumers with great photos of the product. Unfortunately, consumers are bombarded with millions of images floating around the internet. You’re literally competing with cute puppies, insta models, celebrities, memes and even eggs. It, therefore, takes a lot of impress potential consumers. In this article, we present to you, product photography ideas that will take your business to the next level.

Product Photography Ideas
Product Photography Ideas

Product Photography Ideas

A few product photography ideas to consider trying include selling experiences, show the product being used, use models and more when it comes to incorporating images into your advertising campaign. 

What You Need

Unless you have the budget for a professional product photographer and advertising firm, you will need more than your phone’s camera and the product to produce great images. Below is your starter pack:

1) A camera 

2) A variety of backgrounds

3) A tripod stand (optional)

4) Lighting

Note that lighting can be natural, artificial or both. As for the backgrounds, a natural setting is best suited for some images while white backgrounds work best when you’re trying to focus on the product. There are many ways to capture your images and below are a few ideas to consider:

Sell Experiences

Rather than trying to sell your product, sell the experience it brings to consumers. It works well for products considered a luxury or competitive. For instance, if you’re selling smartphones, you can capture images of people taking selfies with one of the phones. After all, people value phones with awesome cameras. Therefore, showcasing such an enviable experience will attract the right attention.

Show the Product in Use

Are you selling a niche product whose use is unclear to consumers? You might want to be elaborate and creative with your product photography ideas. Often people fail to buy a product because they don’t know how to use it. Capturing the product in use will, therefore, help clarify matters and may even attract consumers outside your target demographic when it comes to retail advertising.

Use Models

Have you heard of the term FOMO? It means the Fear of Missing Out. FOMO is considered a modern-day disorder but it can also help move your products. Consumers want to know about trends and own the “coolest” products. It’s no secret that models help reinforce FOMO because they are trendsetters. If you’re selling lifestyle products, you might want to pay models to pose in them. Products such as fitness wear, shoes, clothes, bags and phones would move faster if captured in this manner.

Zoom in on the Product

At times, too much creativity can ruin the chances of selling. Some consumers simply need reassurance that what they’re paying for is what they’ll get. If you’re selling products that rely heavily on particular specs to move, give consumers zoomed images of specific features. For instance, if you’re selling a durable bag, you can emphasize on durability by zooming in the lens to capture strong straps, fabric or zipper. 

Bottom Line

In summary, there are tons of great product photography ideas but you cannot possibly apply all. Just narrow down to your target audience and what they respond to. Also, establish what people expect to gain from your product and use images to express it. Lastly, consider the availability of resources such as specialists who know extensive knowledge in product photography and stick to your area of expertise. You can even look into news and blog publications for the latest updates in product photography and advertising. Remember, a bad image is worse than no image at all.

What Is Quality Assurance In Software Testing? – A Critical Step

Most people get very confused when it comes to telling the difference between testing, quality control and quality assurance. People often use these terms interchangeably as they consider them the same activities. Although there are some differences between them, even though they may sound similar. To know more about what is quality assurance in software testing, then you’ll need to know the differences too. Read on for more information.

What Is Quality Assurance In Software Testing?

What is Quality Assurance?

Q.A. or quality assurance is a process-oriented activity which is more about ensuring the implementation of the procedures and processes. It also means the verification of developed software and other requirements. It mainly focuses on the procedures and processes rather than the testing on the system. It is also a subset of the STLC or software test life cycle.

Differences Between QA and QC

So, what is the difference between quality assurance and quality control? Whereas quality assurance is more of ensuring implementation of the process, the quality control is about verification of the developed software. The quality control also focuses on actual testing by executing the software unlike quality assurance. The main aim of the QC is to identify if there is any defect or bug in the implementation of the process. Quality assurance is more process-oriented, whereas the quality control is completely product-oriented. Actually, the quality control is considered as one of the subsets of quality assurance.

What is the Difference Between QA and Testing?

The testing is more about ensuring the identification of the defects, bugs and errors in the software. It is actual testing and unlike quality assurance, testing is a completely product-oriented activity, this is a preventive process which is to ensure that the software and site is completely perfect and free of any errors or bugs.

Role of the Quality Assurance Team

The role of the quality assurance manager or team is quite crucial for any IT firm or business. They ensure whether or not the final product meets the certain thresholds and criteria. They provide a detailed report about the software. They plan, direct as well as coordinate different programs of the quality assurance to formulate the quality control policies. They also have a crucial role in improving the efficiency and profitability of the organization by reducing the waste.


So, what is quality assurance in software testing all about? It has several benefits like reducing the cost by lowering the wastage within a business. It also helps to make sure that the product is perfect by re-working on the product at every stage. It helps to improve the quality of the software and also it ensures that people or clients are getting the best product. The software is built or designed while keeping some of the criteria or benefits in mind. When the software meets each and every threshold and criteria seamlessly and perfectly, then the quality assurance team or the manager pass the product. Hence, it has a very important role to play.